Tame-to-Insane Challenge Box

Tame-to-Insane Challenge Box

11 Awesome Sauces Ranging from Mild to Extreme

We scoured the universe and found the tastiest hot sauces at ELEVEN different heat levels. Challenge yourself to take a spoonful of each hot sauce, starting with #1 and ending with 3 drops of #11. #11 is Fuego Spice Co's 100 Pound Reaper tincture, a terrifying tincture loaded with 100 pounds of fresh Reaper peppers concentrated down to a tincture, made specially for us by J's Small Batch Hot Sauce in Los Angeles. We recommend inviting some friends over and having a little hot sauce tasting party challenge.

Includes over $140 worth of items! All packed into a custom designed, mind numbing 11-bottle Fuego Box. 

WARNING: The upper heat levels of this box are EXTREME. Do not eat if you have allergies to spicy foods, nightshades, or capsaicin. Keep away from children and do not consume if you're pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition. Eat at your own risk, you maniacs. 

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