Seed Ranch Thai Green Hot Sauce
White Vinegar, Water, Lime Juice, Thai Ginger, Green Thai Chilies, Garlic, Cilantro, Shallots, Lemongrass, Basil, Salt, Coconut Flakes, Coconut, Sugar, Coriander, Cumin, White Pepper.
Eggs, avocado toast, stir fry, and rice bowls. Marinate greens, salmon, and tofu. Weeknight favorite: smash together with avocado and salt for instant, incredible guacamole. Shake well and serve generously.
product description
Seed Ranch’s Thai Green hot sauce is an exotic, green, citrus-forward blend that transcends any single flavor profile. Starting with the first batch, this sauce uses home-grown peppers along with organic, wild, and non-GMO ingredients to deliver farm-to-Fuego Box deliciousness. Fresh lemongrass, Thai ginger, and cilantro highlight this sophisticated sauce, handmade for Fuego Box during the solar eclipse on August 21st outside of Boulder, CO.
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