Mild-to-Wild Hot Sauce Challenge Box

Mild-to-Wild Hot Sauce Challenge Box

Tasty Sauces Ranging from Mild to WILD

You asked... We answered. Are you ready to attempt the all new Mild to Wild Challenge?! Test yourself and dare your friends to take a spoonful of each hot sauce, starting with #1 and ending at the spine-chilling #5. We recommend inviting some friends over and having a little hot sauce tasting party challenge! As with our Tame-to-Insane Challenge Box, this box is made up of gourmet, flavor-forward hot sauces made by small producers using only the best ingredients.

Includes over $60 worth of items! All packed into a custom-designed, mind-altering 5-bottle Fuego Box.

WARNING: The upper heat levels of this box are EXTREME. Do not eat if you have allergies to spicy foods, nightshades, or capsaicin. Keep away from children and do not consume if you're pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition. Eat at your own risk, you maniacs. <



product description

Heat Level 1: Da Kine Hot Mustard 
Heat Level 2: Secret Aardvark Habanero Hot Sauce
Heat Level 3: Ghost Scream Hot Sauce OR Fresco Sauce Ghost Berry OR Fuego Spice Co. Riza 
Heat Level 4: Burns & McCoy Exitium 
Heat Level 5: Seafire Scorpion OR Karma Sauce Burn After Eating
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