Crate of DEATH

Crate of DEATH

Our Crate of Death Includes:

-Ghost Scream Hot Sauce OR Fuego Spice Co. Riza (Hot)
-Exitium by Burns & McCoy OR Palo Alto Fire Fighters (Extra Hot)
-Seafire Scorpion OR Spicy Shark Mako Snake (Extra Extra Hot)
-Painapple by Burns & McCoy OR Fresco Sauce Ghost Berry (Extra Extra Hot)
-Karma Sauce Burn After Eating  (Extra Extra Extra Hot)
-Custom Handmade Wooden Fuego Box Crate

*'Or' indicates that you will receive one or the other. It is based on our current stock. Both options are the same heat level and of course, delicious!*

product description

Crate of DEATH a limited edition rustic wood crate full of small-batch delightful pain. It includes two of our favorite super hots that you can't get anywhere else: Painapple by Burns & McCoy and Reaper Evil by Torchbearer Sauces. If you love burning your face off in a flavorful way, grab a box!